The Universal Peace Federation Austria Youth Committee invites you to a roundtable discussion on the theme:


Youth Perspectives on Europe-Russia Partnership


Tuesday, February 19th 2013, 18:30


Location: Seidengasse 28/4, im Hof rechts, 1070 Wien




Special guest:


Nargiz Ismailova, Board member of Eurasian Club of Young Ambassadors for Peace

Lecturer at the Moscow Academy for Economy and Law


Europe and Russia have been divided for many centuries. Unlike the generation of their parents the youth of today is ready not to remain in a mindset of the cold war but to understand that this time is over once and for all.


Young Ambassadors for Peace are a global network of young leaders representing the religious, racial, and ethnic diversity of the human family. They are promoting reconciliation, overcoming barriers, encouraging equitable distribution of resources, and building a culture of peace. Young Ambassadors for Peace have shown a commitment to service and peace-making activities in many fields, including religion, politics, media, academia, business, the arts, sports, and volunteer associations.


Registration and questions: or Mobil: 0660/5485202



Further Information:


Report: Europe and Russia – Partners in a Globalized World
250 participants gathered on October 12th 2012 in the Vienna Int. Centre, the UN building in Vienna, for a conference which is part of a series of events held at the UN in Geneva, UNESCO in Paris, National Parliaments in the UK and Norway and in the Presidential Palace in Malta.

UPF Eurasia report


Communicating Change: Youth Perspectives on Peace
Intergenerational Cooperation brings inspiration to the UN in Vienna: Pictures and reports on the ELC (July 1st-3rd 2011).


Диалог Россия-Европа 6-7 апреля 2012 г. в Москве состоялась ежегодная конференция Евразийского отделений Федерации за всеобщий мир по теме «Мир и безопасность в многонациональном обществе в эпоху глобального кризиса».

Moskau: Conference on Peace and Security in Multicultural Societies