Die Föderation für Weltfrieden lud zum „Internationalen Familientag der UNO“ gemeinsam mit der Österreichischen Familienföderation herzlich ein



(Thema: "Confronting family poverty and social exclusion")

 Internationaler Familientag der UNO (Fotos)




Samstag, 14. Mai 2011




15:00-16:00: Vorträge von Mag. Barbara Nanoff-Schediwy, Mediatorin

Dr. Michaela Moser, Armutskonferenz

Markus Oirer, "Aus Tränen werden Kristalle - Abrechnung einer missbrauchten Seele"

16:00 Diskussion


17:00-18:00: Dr. Carlo Nagy-Babiak, Mediziner mit logotherapeutischer Qualifikation, Sozial- und Lebensberater, Familienberater und Mediator

Mag. Xiaoyan Wang, „Familientradition in China"

Mag. Elisabeth Cook, UPF, "Die Familie als Grundlage einer Kultur des Friedens"


Kulturelles Programm: Slowakische Kindertanzgruppe „Rosmarin“ und Buffet


Weitere Infos: 0650/6015434, 0650/2588846; E-Mail: info@weltfriede.at


English report:


On May 14, 2011 UPF-Austria organized an afternoon event for the International Day of Families which was started by Peter Haider welcoming the guests and reading the message of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon for this special day. For the following panel discussion six speakers were invited to speak on the topic "Confronting family poverty and social exclusion".


The first, Mrs. Barbara Nanoff-Schediwy, who works as a mediator with international and intercultural couples, started her presentation with a quote of Nelson Mandela: “The most powerful weapon is dialogue!” In her short speech she explained how mediation can support people in rebuilding their relationships.  Tipps and Tricks for mediative behaviour in everyday life” was the title of the handout she had prepared for the participants of the conference, a very helpful instruction which can easily be applied.


Dr. Michaela Moser, a Catholic theologian, philosopher and expert for social affairs, spoke about her experiences working with Charity organisations for over 30 years. “Even in the rich country of Austria there is poverty”, she stated, “but there is a way out!”

She summarized her suggestions in three points:

  1. to ensure a minimum income for people
  2. to keep developing the social infrastructure, such as schools and public transport.
  3. to re-think the politics concerning working time, employment and unemployment


Mr. Markus Oirer introduced his book “Tears become diamonds”, which is a testimony of how he overcame his difficult experience of having been misused in his childhood. His example gives hope to people who had to cope with similar difficulties in their lives. He pours all his energy in prevention work in order for young people to learn from his experiences.


In the coffee break after these first 3 presentations people could come to know each other and exchange experiences, as most of the participants of the conference were involved in work for families in some or the other way.


The next speaker was Dr. Karl Babiak-Nagy, a medical doctor with logotherapeutical qualifications, family adviser and mediator. As a follower of Victor Frankl he applies the principles of the logo therapy in caring for people: it is essential to find meaning and a purpose in life. “I am not the one, who is looking for answers, but life itself asks me questions, and I am the one who answers them!”

His leading principle is: “Accept life, find your purpose!”


Mrs. Xiaoyan Wang, was the next speaker. Having studied medicine and literature in China, she also got a diploma in Chinese literature from the University of Vienna, where she has been living for the last 20 years.

She began her presentation explaining the meaning of the Chinese symbol for the family. The mainly western audience was surprised about the complexity of thoughts put into one word.

Mrs. Wang compared the traditional Confucian family which knew many rules and regulations with the family of the early Communist times in China, when it was most important to marry in the right social class. The modern family of today’s China is much like a western family, except two aspects which have not changed since the old times:

  1. the children are being educated strictly, and they are expected to do well at school,
  2. to be polite in any situation, at home as well as at the workplace or in any public place.

She also mentioned that for the Chinese men it is natural to share the household responsibilities: men are cooking and cleaning without long discussions.


Mrs. Elisabeth Cook of UPF-Austria, then spoke about “The Family as the Foundation of a Culture of Peace”. She drew the attention of the listeners to the fact that there is not only financial or material poverty, but also “poverty of relationships”, meaning that 50% of all marriages break, not to speak of the couples who do not marry legally. Instead of having a culture of families we created a culture of singles.

She continued that the solution can be found in raising the value of family relationships by reflecting on the fact that man and woman, parents and children are the vessels through which a never ending circle of love is formed which starts from our creator and continues to flow without end through the generations. So the family can be considered as the centre of life, love and hope for the future.


After another round of discussions a Slovakian Children’s’ dance group performed Slovakian Folk dances, which was highly appreciated by the audience.