of the 3rd Seong Hwa
Ceremony of Rev. Sun Myung Moon in Austria
On Sunday, August 30th, the Vienna community of the Unification movement
gathered for the celebration of Rev. Moon’s third Seong
Hwa Anniversary. The event had been announced to all
the Peace Ambassadors and guests of UPF and WFWP as well. The day before the event the two halls of the Headquarters of the Unification
Movement were carefully prepared for the event. Finally
on Sunday we could welcome more than 200 participants – 150 members and 50
At the celebration Dr. Fuat Sanac, the President of the
Muslim community of Austria, gave congratulatory remarks. He has been a friend
of our movement since several decades and values True Father’s teachings and
The second speaker was Mag.
Harald Janisch, founder of IIFWP in Austria, who went
into politics some time ago. He thought that day was appropriate to thank True
Father for the encouragement he got for his work and all he could learn from
him. He intends to fight for family values and the spirit of global citizenship
within the framework of his political party, he stated.
Mrs. Elisabeth Cook, Vienna
Family Federation pastor, led through the program. She made the connection to
the international and Korean events which led up to
the worldwide 3rd anniversary Celebration like Peace Road, the Universal Peace
Choir, The Summit Meeting and the Suhak Peace Price.
The second topic she mentioned was True Father’s teachings and vision for the
The main address was
given by UPF President Peter Haider. He started by quoting Mahatma Ghandi “Be the
change you want to see” and John F. Kennedy “Ask not what your Country can do
for you, ask what you can do for your Country” while showing the connection to
Rev. Moon’s “Living for the Sake of Others”. By sharing a few personal
experiences with True Father in critical situations he could explain how
difficult it was initially for the Christian world to accept Rev. Moon as True
Parents and as the Messiah, but that inspite of all
obstacles they were able to embrace all people, including even their worst
enemies. He also made a point that Rev. Moon was not acting in the blue sky but
was laying foundation on foundation building up a movement so that finally more
and more leaders of main stream institutions are following them.
The Vienna music team created a
beautiful atmosphere through the music, which included the solo “Amazing
Grace”. Finally, the “Ambassador for Peace” award was given
to DI form the Austrian-Jordanian friendship Organization. After the official program everybody was invited for lunch, which had been
prepared by members of the Family Federation. Everybody was very happy.
Some remarks:
•“This was the best testimony for
True Father from a politician.”
•“Everything that was said was
very meaningful!”
•“Thank you for this beautiful
Report by Elisabeth Cook and
Peter Haider