Feierstunde Jerusalem, Stadt des Friedens Datum: Sonntag, 9. April 2006 um 10:00
Uhr Ort:
Seidengasse 28/4, 1070 Wien Videoreport und Berichte
teilnehmender Journalisten: Middle East Peace
Initiative: 15.-20. März 2006 Musik
und Tanz The Palestinian Band for
Arts and Popular Folklore About 100 people gathered for a interreligous Sunday
service where Palm Sunday, the day commemorated for Jesus entry into Jerusalem
was the appropriate occasion to give a report about the experiences during
the Middle East Peace Symposium in Jerusalem last March.
Mr. M. Wolf, a professional cameraman
from the Austrian national TV finished a 20 minutes Video report about the
recent “Middle East Peace Initiative” (MEPI) right in time for this event and
by watching this video
everyone could vizualize
entering the city of peace which has experienced wars throughout most of its
history. Participants of the recent pilgrimage to the It was encouraging to hear about an organization called the “Parents’ circle” that includes
hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian bereaved families who have lost, as a result
of the Israeli-Arab conflict, a close family member. Despite this most tragic
fact the Families Forum, as the expanded group of about 500 families is
called, seeks to solve the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians
through dialogue and mutual understanding. Some of their leaders were
appointed as Ambassadors for Peace. For the second part of the program Dr. George Nicola, honorary
president of the Palestinian community in The Folk Band, 18 musicians and young dancers, took us into their
world of Arab culture and music. Especially the children were fascinated by
their lively music.
The Palestinian ambassador to Austria, Dr. Zuheir Elwazar was moved by the
friendly reception they could experience and in a short statement he
mentioned that this young people show to the world that Palestinians can sing
and dance and keep a spirit of hope while their country is bombed almost
every day. To conclude the event we invited
the members of the Folklore band, the ambassador, the president and other
leaders from the Viennese Palestinian community and Ambassadors for Peace for
a nicely prepared lunch, where many new contacts were made. Weitere Informationen telefonisch unter 0650/2588846 The Interreligious and
International Federation for World Peace is an NGO in Special Consultative
Status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations |