TeilnehmerInnen aus 108 Nationen, darunter 19 frühere Staatsoberhäupter und
Regierungschefs wie auch politische und religiöse Führer, Gelehrte,
Journalisten und andere Leiter der Gesellschaft, trugen zum Gelingen dieser
Konferenz bei. Die
Ernennungsurkunde zum „Ambassador for Peace“ hat folgenden Wortlaut: In Übereinstimmung mit der Aufgabe, Frieden in dieser
Welt zu errichten, würdigt die Universap Peace Federation (UPF) Menschen,
deren Leben im Dienste ihrer Mitmenschen beispielhaft ist, und die sich
bereit erklären, die Gründungsideale der UPF zu fördern: Universale moralische Werte, gefestigtes Familienleben,
interreligiöse Zusammenarbeit, internationale Harmonie, die Erneuerung der
Vereinten Nationen, verantwortungsbewusste öffentliche Medien und die
Errichtung einer Kultur des Friedens. Ausgehend von diesen
Anfängen wuchs die Initiative: Mehr und mehr Frauen, Männer und Familien, die
sich als FriedensstifterInnen ausgezeichnet und der Öffentlichkeit beispielhaft
gedient haben, wurden mit der Ernennung zum Friedensbotschafter bzw. zur
Friedensbotschafterin geehrt. Noch im Juni 2001 wurden in Miami, Prag,
Moskau, Montevideo, Sydney, Bangkok und Nairobi Konferenzen mit Ernennungen
abgehalten. Die Ernennung von FriedensbotschafterInnen
ist ein weiterlaufendes Projekt der UPF. Es wurden weltweit schon mehrere
Zehntausend FriedensbotschafterInnen ernannt. Die Ernennung zum
„Ambassador for Peace“ ist mehr als nur die Überreichung einer
Anerkennungsurkunde, es ist ein Aufruf zum Handeln. FriedensbotschafterInnen nehmen ihre Verantwortung
ernst, der Gesellschaft zu dienen: egal ob sie AktivistInnen in ihrer
Gemeinde, Geschäftsleute, AkademikerInnen, PolitikerInnen oder
Staatsoberhäupter sind. FriedensbotschafterInnen haben Beiträge in den Bereichen
HIV/AIDS -Vorsorge, nachhaltige Entwicklung, Friedensbildung, medizinische
Versorgung, Sammeln von Spenden, interreligiöse Zusammenarbeit und in
unzähligen anderen Aktivitäten geleistet. Die Auszeichnung, zum
„Ambassador for Peace“ ernannt zu werden, gewinnt mehr und mehr an Bedeutung,
und es ist ein wichtiger Teil der Arbeit der UPF, jene öffentlich zu
würdigen, die bei der Errichtung einer Kultur des Friedens vorangehen. Thoughts
about Peace from
UPF's Ambassadors for Peace We are all one human family. Peace can be achieved.
I know it will be done. It is a question of time, humility, simplicity, and
our willingness to reach out. - Hon. Jose de Venecia, Jr.,
Former Speaker, House of Representatives, the Every religion calls for man to do good and to stop doing bad. - Chief Imam Sheikh Assane
Cisse, President, African American Islamic Institute, The base of human society is the family, and if we
secure that sanctity of the family unit, we bring a process that leads to a
morally and spiritually good community, country, and world. - Rt. Hon. Hamilton Green, All religions insist on peace. From this we might
think that the religious struggle for peace is simple … but it is not. The
deep problem is that people use religion wrongly in pursuit of victory and
triumph. This sad fact then leads to conflict with people who have different
beliefs. - H.E. Abdurrahman Wahid,
President, It is extremely important to consolidate all efforts
that advance peace and stability at national, regional, and global levels;
therefore, we will not spare any effort to promote peace and coexistence
through dialogue among the different cultures, religions, and peoples of our
globe. -H.E. Mohammad Karim Khalili,
Vice President, Islamic World peace does not come about by the signing of
agreements and treaties. World peace will not be established even if the
images of war temporarily disappear from the media. We have wrongly confused
progress in economics diplomacy and science with the far more elusive—and
much more vital—ethical progress that is needed for true peace. - Yamba Elie Ouedraogo, Living for the sake of others sounds so simple,
almost too simple. If every person in the world was raised with that ethic,
we would have a world of peace, a better tomorrow where men and women have
learned to live and love in friendship. - Amb. Phillip V. Sanchez,
former US Ambassador to Colombia and Honduras There is not in fact a clash of civilizations
between the West and the non-West. The division is rather between belief and
non-belief, between those who believe that there are absolute moral values,
on the one side, and those who believe that the source of all moral values is
merely defined by the individual. - Mr. Dinesh D'Souza, Fellow,
The One of the thorniest problems of this age is the
matter of war and peace. A clear point of view that promotes a peace
agreement to solve all conflicts is very necessary, and to bring people of
different denominations and nations closer together is worthwhile. - Hon. Jaromir Kohlicek,
Member, European Parliament for Tell the truth with love, and face reality with
courage. Religious leaders should be headlights on the road to peace, not
tail lights. - Rev.Walter Fauntroy, former More attention needs to be paid to the significance
and importance of moral and ethical values in leadership. - H.E. Mohamoud Adam Bechir,
Ambassador of If we can live the dream of beginning a trip from the
tip of South America and travel without being hindered by borders to the
eastern hemisphere of this planet, all of us and our children will happily
understand that the work of mankind is not to destroy but to build up. - Dr. Carlos Enrique Pena,
Vice Rector, All my life I have been struggling to attain
happiness and love. This is what we live for. I am ready to die to make it
possible for everyone to live this way. - Dr. Eliezer Glaubach, former
city councilman, We live today at a time when the world is always
facing one global crisis or the other. To promote peace, we must understand
the root causes of conflict and promote enduring solutions. - Chief Dr. Ernest Shonekan,
former President, Ordinary people long for peace and cry out for an
end to conflict. We must have continuing dialogue and personal commitment in
order to have peace. - Hon. Gaqo Apostoli, former
Member of Parliament and government minister, Our desire is to cultivate good character in the
children and youth of - Dr. Suthin Nophaket,
Commissioner, National Human Rights Commission of It is a noble intention to bring women from
different countries, races and religions to listen to options and strategies
as to how we can work together to create peace in our life and the world. - Hammidah Abdulleh Bahashwan,
Our task in all our activities is the same: peace
within the family, whether we speak about the nuclear family, the family of
our society, or the global family of mankind. - Galina A. Kharitonova, President, Life NGO, Russia