Europe: Events in the UN and National

Legal Experts in Rome Discuss Justice and Peace
conference on the theme "Justice for Peace: An Indissoluble Pair for a
Harmonious Future" was held on October 24, 2023, United Nations Day,
in the Capitular Hall of the Senate, Rome.
2023 Balkan Leadership Conference in
Skopje - Western Balkans Integration into the European Union
Skopje, North Macedonia - The latest Balkan Leadership
Conference "Western Balkans Integration into the European Union:
Perspectives and Challenges" took place in the North Macedonian
capital on October 14, 2023. It was organized by UPF in partnership with
the Podgorica Club, an organization founded in 2019 by former presidents of
Southeast Europe. The current president of North Macedonia and 10 former
heads of state and government from the six Western Balkan nations, plus
Croatia and Slovakia, attended.

World Interfaith Harmony Week - Why Religions and
Cultures in Dialogue matter for achieving the UN SDGs
Supported by UNODC, the Universal Peace Federation,
UNCAV, the Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations, Youth and Students for
Peace and the Women's Federation for World Peace organized a conference
celebrating the World Interfaith Harmony Week in the Vienna International
Centre - UN Vienna on February 3rd 2023.
Western Balkan Countries and EU
Relations – Challenges and Perspectives
On November 11, 2022 co-hosted
by the Podgorica Club and UPF a conference on the topic "Western
Balkan Countries and EU Relations – Challenges and Perspectives" was
organized at the Diplomatische Akademie Wien -
Vienna School of International Studies.

Balkan Leaders Focus on Region’s
Peace and Security
Pristina, Kosovo - The prime minister of Kosovo was the
keynote speaker at a Balkans Leadership Conference held under the auspices
of the Government of Kosovo. The conference, titled "Peace, Security
and Development in the Western Balkans" was held on June 11, 2022, in
Pristina's Swiss Diamond Hotel.

Interfaith Harmony Week - Faith Based Organizations and the UN SDGs
UPF Austria, Vienna International Centre (United Nations), January 31st
2020 - Following up on conferences of the Coalition of Faith-Based
Organizations in Vienna, New York and San Francisco and supported by UNODC,
UPF, Growth4Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, UNCAV and Youth&Students for Peace organized a conference in
commemoration of the World Interfaith Harmony Week.

Explores Peace and Development in Southeast Europe
Albania—Participants from over 50 nations attended the Southeast Europe
Peace Summit organized by UPF. The summit, held from October 25 to 27,
2019, featured a wide range of activities. Three main events were held at
the large, 3,000-seat Tirana Congress Hall.

and Justice Initiative
The UN Office of Drugs and Crime on October 7th 2019
hosted a day long event on "Spirituality and Justice" about
collaboration with Faith based Organizations (FBOs)
at the Vienna International Centre (United Nations) and elswhere.
It was opened by the UNODC Director of Policy Analysis and Public Affairs,
Dr. Jean Luc LeMahieu and the Permanent Representative of Spain Ambassador
Senen Floresa.

Achievers Honored in Houses of Parliament
London, United
Kingdom - Imagine Committee Room 10 at the Houses of
Parliament, full to capacity with 100 people!
Standing room only! A group of 20 bright, selfless young achievers from
various backgrounds (nominated by UPF Ambassadors for Peace) had come to
receive the UPF Youth Achievement Award for their outstanding efforts at
service and volunteering.

Governance and Sustainable Peace in the Balkans: The Necessity of
Albania - The conference, held on March 30, 2019, at the Tirana
International Hotel, brought together 120 participants, including former
heads of state and government from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia
and Kosovo, and more than 30 members of parliament from Albania, Kosovo and
North Macedonia.

Years of German Re-Unification and the Vision of a New United Korea
Germany - An international symposium discussed how lessons of German
reunification can be applied in the Korean Peninsula. The symposium, held
at the Grand Hyatt hotel on June 21, 2019 and
titled “30 Years of German Re-Unification and the Vision of a New United
Korea,” brought together political leaders and scholars from Germany,
Korea, Europe, Japan and the United States.

Day of Families Observed in Geneva - World Council of Churches
Switzerland, Geneve - To commemorate the
25th anniversary of the International Day of Families on May 14,
2019 UPF in joint sponsorship with the World Council of Churches (WCC)
convened a debate and discussion on the topic “Interreligious Cooperation
for Peace and Human Development - Creating an Environment for Thriving Families“ in the Geneva Ecumenical Center
of the WCC.

Perspectives for
Sustainable Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa
On March 20th 2019, at the Vienna International Center (UN) in Vienna, UPF co-sponsored a conference on
Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa, which was organized by the
permanent mission of Eritrea to the UN in Vienna. 200 guests attended the
event. The conference was organized on the foundation of the dramatic
change that took place in the Horn of Africa.

Day Launch for IAPD Geneva/Swiss Chapter
Geneva, Switzerland - The Geneva/Swiss chapter of the Interreligious
Association for Peace and Development was inaugurated in the Ecumenical
Center of Geneva. The launch took place during a conference held on
September 21, 2018, by UPF in partnership with WFWP, as well as the Geneva
Interfaith Intercultural Alliance and the Fribourg Peace Forum.

Toward Interdependence
and Mutual Prosperity: The Role of Religious Leaders and Parliamentarians
UPF-Europe, Vienna - UPF organized from April 28-29, 2018
in Parkhotel Schönbrunn an International Leadership Conference. Over 200
religious leaders, parliamentarians and NGO representatives from Europe
including Russia, Middle East, Africa, United States, Japan, Korea and
other Asian countries participated. Inauguration of the
Interreligious Association for Peace and Development for Europe and the
Middle East

for Peace launched in Portugal
Portugal - On April 13, 2018 the International Association of
Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) was inaugurated in Portugal at a
conference held in the national parliament. Approximately 100
parliamentarians and other dignitaries attended the conference,
"Perspectives for Sustainable Peace in Europe and the World: The
Responsibility of Parliamentarians."

EU-Parliament: "Radicalization and Violent Extremism:
Focus on Prevention"
Concluding a series of inaugural meetings of the International Association of
Parliamentarians for Peace in Europe in 2017, a conference was organized by
the Universal Peace Federation at the European Parliament in Brussels on
December 5th 2017. With the perspective that the
sustainable prevention of radicalization requires joint efforts from both
parliamentarians and religious leaders.

Inaugural conference in Prague, Czech Republic
On October 9th 2017,
at the Czech Parliament in Prague, a conference was held under the auspices
of Czech Parliamentarian Nina Nováková. Two projects were being launched:
the new association “Central European Inspiration”, initiated by Mrs. Nina
Nováková, and IAPP, a project of the Universal Peace Federation.

and Peace in the Balkans: The Role of Parliamentarians
On September 23-24, 2017 the International
Association of Parliamentarians for Peace was launched in the Balkans in
Pristina, Kosovo. The main event was held in a hall at the Kosovo
Parliament Building. The conference was attended by highly respected
leaders in the Balkans among them the former President Mesic of Croatia.

for Sustainable Peace in Europe: The UN Vision, the Role of
Parliamentarians and Civil Society
Vienna International Centre (United Nations), September 15th 2017 - UPF and partnering organizations convened a
conference commemorating the United Nations International Day of Peace with
a special focus on researching the role, which parliamentarians are able to
play in securing peace for Europe and its wider neighborhood.

Radicalization was discussed in House of Lords
London, United Kingdom - The House of Lords was the setting for an timely discussion, organized by UPF-UK, on preventing
radicalization. The event, held on June 28, 2017, was kindly hosted by the
Rt. Hon. Baroness Sandip Verma. Emmanuel Dupuy, a journalist, teacher in
geopolitics and researcher in geopolitical issues, offered a French

of Families conference of UPF-Italy in Palazzo San Macuto
of the Italian Parliament
Rome, Italy - The conference, titled
"Family: Education and Well-being," was held on May 17, 2017,
together with the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace,
the Women’s Federation and the Family Federation for World Peace.

Toward Peace and
Reconciliation in Conflict Zones - The role of Religions
Vienna International Centre (United Nations), January 27th 2017 - Commemorating the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2017, the Universal Peace
Federation organized a conference addressing the role of religions in
conflict situations, which was attended by 200 guests. It was the 5th
annual celebration of this special week since 2013.

- Parliament Week Certificate
Universal Peace
Federation-UK received a certificate for its Partnership with Parliament Week
over the last three years from the Speakers of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. This is an appreciation for
UPF's support of their aims of political engagement and empowerment.

and Sustainable Development: Intergenerational Challenges
In honor of the UN's International Day of Peace,
an innovative event
was held in the Vienna International Centre - United Nations
on September 16, 2016: a look at the intergenerational challenges of peace
through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Hip Hop for Peace and SDGs

Italy Sets the Stage for Parliamentarians Association
Rome, Italy - A major conference connected with the launch of the
International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace was held in the
Italian Parliament. The conference was held on September 13, 2016 under the theme "Multiculturalism, Politics
and Civil Society: Synergies, Training and Projectuality".

Parliamentarians for Peace Launched in London
London, United Kingdom - The third of a series of
regional conferences launching the International Association of
Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) was held from September 7-9, 2016. With
the theme "Interregional Dialogue Addressing Critical Challenges: Europe,
Eurasia, the Middle East and North Africa" the International
Leadership Conference organized by UPF represented the official launch of
IAPP in these three regions.

Parliamentarians probe Paths to Peace
Prague, Czech Republic—UPF held a roundtable in the Czech Parliament to
discuss the roles of religious and secular leaders in bringing peace. More
than 30 participants attended the discussion on April 11, 2016, titled “The
Role of Politicians and Religious Leaders in Providing a Constructive and
Wise Response to Critical Contemporary Challenges.”

The UN at 70: Toward a
Resolution of Tensions on the Korean Peninsula
Vienna International Center (UN Building), Monday, May 11th 2015, 13:00-17:00. Alongside this year's celebrations
marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War 2, two other
significant milestones are the 70 years that have elapsed both since the
founding of the United Nations and since Korean independence.

Eurasia-Europe Dialogue for Peace
Chisinau, Moldova - The conference "Eurasia-Europe Dialogue for
Peace" took place Dec. 5-7, 2014 in the
capital city of Moldova. Before an audience of 120 participants, the
conference was opened by the First Lady of Moldova Mrs. Margareta Timofti, she was followed by distinguished guest
speakers from Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Moldova, Netherlands, Russia
and Ukraine.

in Transformation: Promoting Peace and Development through Art
The Permanent Mission of Afghanistan in Vienna, ACUNS Vienna Liaison Office
and UNODC organized a colloquium: “Afghanistan – a Country in
Transformation: Promoting Peace and Development through Art” on 2 December
2014 in the VIC. There the UPF Ambassador for Peace Award was granted to
the UN Goodwill Ambassador Farhad Darya.

(August 8th 2014, UN Vienna International Centre)
Mrs. Yuko Gulda in cooperation with UPF, ACUNS and the United Nations
Office for Disarmament Affairs Vienna organized the 2014 GENBAKU-NO-HI

Annual Youth Achievement Awards
Presented in London
London, UK - The annual Youth
Achievement Awards were presented on July 1, 2014, in the House of Commons.
These awards honored young adults from various backgrounds who have in some
way impacted the lives of people around them and beyond, and the recipients
explained their activities.

Geneva, Switzerland -
A conference on "Family Values and Their Link to Economic Well-being
and Social Outcomes" took place at the UN headquarters in Geneva
June 30-July 1, 2014.

UK - In commemoration of World
Refugee Day 2014, Youth UPF UK held a forum in London on “Forced
Displacement and Migration: Time to Rethink Human Dignity” on June 16,

Conference in Paris promotes Europe-Eurasia Cooperation
Paris, France - In partnership with the Permanent Mission
of Tajikistan to the European Union and several NGOs, a conference on the
theme of “Eurasia and Europe: Cooperating for a Culture of Peace and Human
Development” took place in Paris December 3-4, 2013.

Conference in London Addresses
Human Rights
"Human Rights: Are Democratic Nations Upholding a
Better Standard?" was the theme of a European Leadership Conference
Nov. 21-22, 2013 in the Houses of Parliament in
London. Muslim, Jewish and Christian speakers addressed issues of religious
inclusion in Europe.

Peace Day:
Nobel Prize laureate Rigoberta Menchú in Vienna
(September 20th 2013, Vienna International Centre)
Conference in UNIS Cinema room, Cultural program and Ringing of the Peace
Bell. Organized by Universal Peace Federation (UPF), Academic Council of the United Nations System (ACUNS), Art of Reconciliation with the support of UNIS Vienna and the Embassy of Guatemala.
Culture and
Creative Economy as basic elements for Sustainability
(July 5th 2013, Vienna
International Center) UPF Austria in cooperation with ACUNS Vienna and the
Best of the World Network organized a conference as part of the cultural
event "CarnaVienna 2013" by ABRASA, an
Afro-Brazilian Cultural Point in Vienna.

Culture as basic element for sustainability and human rights
(Vienna International Center - UN building, July 6 2012)
Conference of the Universal Peace Federation in cooperation with ACUNS
Vienna and IDEA Society initiated by ABRASA, an Austro-Brazilian NGO. Photos of the Conference in the UN and CarnaViena

hosted Conference on the Family
(July 5-6 2012) Geneva, Switzerland - UPF-Europe,
the Women’s Federation for World Peace, the Fribourg Peace Forum and the
GIIA organized a conference on the stimulating theme “The Contribution of
Families to Peace, Human Development and Prosperity.”

Conference Addresses Human Rights and the Protection of the Unempowered and
June 15-16, Houses of Parliament and Royal National Hotel) Human rights
concerns are a major driving force behind current events. UPF United Kingdom

Explores Principles for Peace and Security in Kosovo
Pristina, Kosovo - As
security and peace in the Republic
of Kosovo is fragile
and threatened, international experts, government officials, members of the
Kosovo parliament, and representatives from civil society met May 28-29 in
the capital, Pristina.

A New
Vision for Peace and Human Development
Paris, France
- UPF's first European Leadership Conference of 2012 took place at the
UNESCO headquarters in Paris April 12-13
under the patronage of the Permanent Delegations of the Sultanate of Oman
and the Republic
of Kenya to
UNESCO. "Capacity for Otherness in
Pluri-Identity Societies," by Dr. Walther
Диалог Россия-Европа
6-7 апреля
2012 г. в Москве
за всеобщий
мир по
теме «Мир
и безопасность
в многонациональном
в эпоху глобального
Moskau: Conference on Peace and Security in Multicultural Societies

Commemorating Human Rights Day 2011
December 8th - 10th 2011, London, Houses of Parliament.
Why Do We
Still Tolerate Torture? Religious
Freedom - Global Issues

Malta Conference: Europe, Africa
and the Culture of Peace
(Malta, November 7th 2011 - Conference Report) Over the decades since the
end of European colonisation, the relationship between Europe and Africa has inevitably undergone many changes. A new
drive for self reliance has shown a desire to
resolve the unfortunate aspects of their colonial legacy.
Europe, Africa and the Culture
of Peace (pdf)

Conference on Multiculturalism and Peace
In recent months Angela Merkel, David Cameron and Nicolas Sarcoczy all referred to multiculturalism’s failure to
deliver cohesive communities with a core of shared values. Cameron stated:
“We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want
to belong.”

Change: Youth Perspectives on Peace
Intergenerational Cooperation brings inspiration to the UN in Vienna: Pictures and
reports on the ELC (July 1st-3rd 2011).

Day of
Families Observed in Geneva
Geneva, Switzerland - The Chapel of the World
Council of Churches in Geneva was filled to overflowing with an exciting
intergenerational, international and interreligious mix to explore the
theme "A New Paradigm for Global Family in a Culture of Peace" on
May 13.

Towards Lasting Peace in a World of Rapid Change
An European Leadership Conference sponsored by UPF
and Women’s Federation for World Peace, was held in on April 30 and May 1st
in Norway.
That the UPF Founders Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon
should set their eyes on Oslo,
was an awesome surprise and blessing for Scandinavian Ambassadors for

Rights and Dignity & Interreligious Cooperation
March 25 - 26, 2011) During sessions held at the World Council of Churches
and at the United Nations Office, nearly 200 participants were welcomed.

the United Nations and Peace in the 21st Century
(Vienna, Dec. 8th 2010) Consultation on an
“Interreligious Council” as an organ of the United Nations, introduced by
Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon in a speech delivered in New York in August
2000, when its establishment at the UN was proposed for the first

Reconciliation: NGO conference
at the UN in Vienna
Three hundred participants representing more than 40 NGOs and leaders from
civil society gathered in one of the biggest NGO meetings ever held in the
United Nations building in Vienna in the UNIDO board room to attend the
Austrian event of the Global Peace Tour 2009.

London Peace Festival opens in the House of
The London Global Peace Festival began with a plenary discussion on the
topic “New Paradigm in a Time of Global Crisis.” Rev. Marcus Braybooke, President of the World Congress of Faiths:
“We must address the moral vacuum at the center
of our society, and we need leaders whose humility is reflected in their
public and private life.”