Armenian Cultural evening: Music - Dance - Food - Bazar

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Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von 1 Person Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von 7 Personen und Personen, die tanzen Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Serviettenring 

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On November 24, IAYSP Austria, along with the UPF and WFWP, hosted a successful charitable evening in Vienna, raising funds for families who sought refuge in Armenia post-Karabakh conflict. With around 150 attendees, it stands out as one of YSP Vienna's significant gatherings.


Armenian Christians in Vienna, notably singer Shushan, played key roles. IAYSP Member Peter Deininger, a frequent visitor to Armenia, led the evening with an interactive presentation on Armenian culture.

Standout moments included moving performances by Shushan. A diverse bazaar featured Armenian products, and a fundraising project by the Armenian Apostolic Church aimed to buy Christmas presents for 145 children from Karabakh. The buffet showcased Armenian delights including a delectable bean soup, bulgur Tabule salad and more. The evening concluded with traditional Armenian dance!

The event raised over 2000 Euros, directly supporting Karabakh families. For example it will be providing sewing machines for women to start businesses.