True Family Award 2009
Österreichische Familienföderation in Kooperation mit der
Föderation für Weltfrieden
und der Österreichischen
Frauenföderation lädt Sie herzlich ein:
Seidengasse 28 im Hof rechts
1. Stock, 1070 Wien
Referat: „Erziehung beginnt in der Familie“
(Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marian Heitger)
„Weltfriedenssegnung 2009“: Heirat und Ehe aus der Sicht der jungen
„True Family
Award“ – Bedeutung und Entstehung (Peter Zöhrer)
Begleitung durch das Programm
der Urkunde „True
Family Award 2009“ an
repräsentative Familien durch Hrn. Peter Zöhrer, Präsident der
„Familienföderation für Weltfrieden“ in Österreich
„True Family Award “ ist eine Auszeichnung der „Familienföderation
für Weltfrieden“. Jedes Jahr wird diese Urkunde an Einzelpersonen, Familien
oder NGOs vergeben, die sich besonders um die Familie
verdient gemacht haben.
Diese Tradition der „Familienföderation“ soll
das Bewusstsein für den zentralen Wert der Familie stärken. Deshalb wurde auch
für die Verleihung dieser Anerkennung der erste Adventsonntag, als Auftakt zum
Weihnachtsfest - dem Fest des Friedens und der Familie - gewählt.
Weitere Informationen: Tel. 0699/11725599 oder E-Mail:
More than
130 people gathered for the 3rd True Family Award Celebration in
The splendid idea for this successful project was imported from
After beautiful
songs by the “Vienna Peace Choir” Peace Ambassador Mrs. Zena Eggough offered an
opening prayer. Rev. Peter Zoehrer explained about the history and meaning of
the “True Family Award”. He was followed by MP Mr. Nachtmann
who spoke on “State responsibility for supporting the Family”. The main
speech was given by Mr. Heinz Krcek who had just finished translating Rev. Joong Hyun Pak’s and Andrew Wilson’s book “True Family Values”
into German. He shared some of his insights regarding the profound message of
the book.
“The family centred on ethical and religious values provides the
best preparation for the social responsibilities which young people face in
their lives. If they respect and keep the values which their parents and
grandparents have lived by they gain strength and stability in building their
own families and societies.” This is a quote from the preface of the future
German edition of the book, written by a well-known Jewish scholar.
One highlight before the Award Ceremony was the presentation of the “Aid
Project for Indian Girls”: DDr. Rita Wiesinger,
an Ambassador for Peace, explained that through this Charity project young
girls in
The “True Family
Award” was given to seven distinguished families of international background:
the leading couple of the Pakistan community in Vienna, the highest spiritual
leader of the Alevits, the MP who had given the
speech, an Austrian couple with eight children, a Nigerian couple who are
assistant pastors of a very popular & multi-cultural Christian Church in
Vienna, a Slovenian couple and a Unificationist
couple, Prof. Dr. Dietrich & Elisabeth Seidel, who have been helping many
families through their “Marriage Enrichment Seminars”.
The program was lifted up by beautiful classical music for violin and piano
as well as a Russian singer and a young ladies’ Singing Quartet.
At the festive buffet after the program the guests felt free to share
their impressions and to build friendships thus strengthening our Unification
family in
Report by Elisabeth Cook
& Peter Zoehrer