Vortragsabend in Kooperation mit dem „Forum Religionsfreiheit


The deterioration of the Human Rights situation in the countries of the former Sowjet Union


Vortragender: Dr. Aaron Rhodes

Executive Director, Helsinki Federation for Human Rights


Datum: Dienstag, 9. Mai 2006



The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights is an international, NGO constituted by national Helsinki Committees and Cooperating Organizations in the participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The IHF mandate is to protect and strengthen civil society groups that monitor and report on human rights issues from a non-partisan perspective, and to bring them together on a common platform.




North Caucasus Project

Legal Protection of Individual Rights in the Russian Federation

Women's rights

Preventing Torture in the Closed Institutions of Central and Eastern Europe

Human Rights and Social Rehabilitation of Juveniles

Improving the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine through Legal Aid Provided by NGOs

Policy Action and Empowerment of Roma in Education and Employment

A Coordinated Civil Society Campaign to Abolish the Death Penalty in Central Asian States


Anschließend: Zeit für Gespräche bei einem kleinen Büffet


Unkostenbeitrag: 5 Euro (Studenten Gratis)


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