Peace Road USA 2024 - Czech Republic – Austria – Slovakia


Ein Bild, das draußen, Himmel, Baum, Berg enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung Ein Bild, das draußen, Kleidung, Himmel, Pflanze enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung Ein Bild, das draußen, Kleidung, Baum, Person enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung Ein Bild, das Gras, draußen, Himmel, Wolke enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung 

Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von 9 Personen und Grabmal des unbekannten Soldaten, USA  Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von 2 Personen und Text  Ein Bild, das Text, Screenshot, Person enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Horizont Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von 12 Personen, Denkmal und Text 




On 28 July 2024 a Peace Road event took place in Moravský Krumlov with over 100 participants from Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia. After a walk through a beautiful mountain forest the meeting took place in front of the St. Florian church overlooking the town. The official program included speeches by representatives of the Family Federation and UPF. Then the participants went down to the centre of the town and visited the gallery, where the paintings of the Slavic Epic by Alfons Mucha are exhibited. Mother Moon, the co-founder of the involved organizations, had visited the Slavic Epic a few weeks ago and was intrigued by the spiritual perception of the history and the author of the paintings.


„Mucha's Epopee had its contemporary significance for Czechs and Slovaks at the time when the common state was being prepared, established and developed, but it also contains universal ideas that are relevant today. Why the name Epopee? It depicts the historical struggle for ideals, twists and turns, legends and key events in Slavic history. It also depicts the battles, but does not glorify them, emphasizing the suffering afterwards and thus expressing its pacifism. The Slavic peoples went through it all, but in the end, they come together in a community around the Slavic goddess, understand how to deal with freedom, and in the last painting Christ blesses it in the form of the symbolic great figure of the Slav. The painting is titled Apotheosis "Slavism for Humanity!" It implies the global reach of the message of Mucha's work for today. Christ blesses a deep understanding of man's role on this earth to create a peaceful world of love and unity, and humanity will undoubtedly come to that point.“


Europe is the cradle of Christian values that appeal to people to overcome their hatred, arrogance, sense of superiority and desire for power. This is the only way to create a peaceful and prosperous society. However, unless we overcome these negative aspects of human nature, conflicts and even wars will continue to persist in our world. One of the last conflicts from the period of the Cold War is the divided Korea. We believe that strengthening the consciousness of cooperation and unity can help the reunification process on the Korean Peninsula. 


The purpose of this year's Peace Road was to recall and revive Christian values in Europe and to gain a deeper understanding of our national roots. This year's Peace Road was a joint project of UPF and the Family Federation in the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia.


Peace Road 2023 at the Austrian-Hungarian-Slovakian Border 

Peace Road 2022 at the German-Austrian-Czech Border


Further Infos: Peter Haider, Tel.: +436502588846



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