Universal Peace Federation in cooperation with partnering organizations invited
on May 20th
2022 to an United Nations Commission on Crime
Prevention and Criminal Justice side event. The event launched one
chapter of the book entitled „The
Rule of Law in Retreat: Challenges to Justice in the United Nations World” edited
by Dr. Slawomir Redo, former UN staff. As per the event’s
title that chapter contains the script of the dialogue between these great
intellectuals who hold contrasting views on climate change, migration and the
rule of law.
After welcoming remarks by Peter Haider, president of UPF
Austria, the dialogue was introduced by H. E. Alessandro Cortese, Permanent
Representative of Italy to the UN Office in Vienna. He, other Co-Sponsors and
Panellists/Co-Authors, with Prof. William Schabas as the chapter’s reviewer
together highlighted ever green challenges to the constitutionality of the
domestic and international legal order seen from the perspective of the UN
Charter and the UDHR. In their spirit CSOs and other
pro publico bono Actors, including Organizers of UN
moot courts, may wish to promote this approach by involving university
students, other concerned constituencies to learn about, address and overcome
current challenges to the rule of law amid climate change and migration.
by Universal Peace Federation with support of the Permanent Mission of Italy to
the United Nations in Vienna, United Nations Studies Association, Association
of Judicial History and the Rule of Law, International Association for the
Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges, Alliance of NGOs on
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.
Side event program:
Further Infos: Dr. Slawomir Redo,
Peter Haider Tel.: +43 650
2588846 E-Mail: