Föderation für Weltfrieden auf FACEBOOK

Videos UPF-Austria


The Universal Peace Federation in Europe and the Middle East
Peace comes through cooperation beyond the boundaries of ethnicity, religion and nationality. Lasting peace cannot be achieved through political compromise alone, but requires addressing the root causes of conflict. Transcending racial, religious and ethnic barriers is an imperative of our time.   weiter...


Film presentation: A Rose in Winter (on Edith Stein)
(Friday, 15. November 2024 at 6:30pm (18.30), Seidengasse 28 im Hof rechts, 1070 Wien) UPF Austria invites you to the presentation of the film "A Rose in Winter", a Joshua Sinclair film which recounts the extraordinary life of Edith Stein.   weiter...


Eine musikalischen Reise nach Italien
(Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2024 um 16:00 Uhr, Seidengasse 28 im Hof rechts, 1070 Wien) Die Föderation für Weltfrieden lädt gemeinsam mit OESTIG, MUSIC WAY und dem Kaiserwalzer Orchester herzlich ein zu einer musikalischen Reise nach Italien mit den 3 Tenören Faik Hondozi, Marco Ascani und Luka Gudelj sowie Solisten des Kaiserwalzer Orchesters.   weiter...


More than 120 guests attended an INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE EVENT organized by the NGO COMMITTEE ON PEACE VIENNA held in the Vienna International Centre (VIC) - UN Vienna on September 20th 2024 with the ringing of the "Peace Bell" in Memorial Plaza and a conference with panel discussion on the topic: "Peace needs Youth and Media".   weiter...

Ringing the Peace Bell and conference "Peace needs Youth and Media" at the United Nations in Vienna


Friedensweg im Böhmerwald feierlich eröffnet
Am internationalen Tag des Friedens (21.9.2024) wurde der Friedensweg am Dreisesselberg feierlich eröffnet. Der ehemalige Abt Martin Felhofer durchschnitt zur Eröffnung das Startband. Michael Leitner, Bürgermeister von Schwarzenberg, startete das Festprogramm und betonte dabei: "Frieden ist nicht selbstverständlich, sondern muss jeden Tag hart erarbeitet werden!"   weiter...

Inauguration of Peace Road at the German-Austrian-Czech Border

Peace Road 2022 at the German-Austrian-Czech Border


Peace Road 2024 in Moravsky Krumlov, Czech Republic
On 28 July 2024 a Peace Road event took place in Moravsky Krumlov with over 100 participants from Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia. After a walk through a beautiful mountain forest the meeting took place in front of the St. Florian church overlooking the town.    weiter...


Peace Road 2023 at the Austrian-Hungarian-Slovakian Border


Erstes Treffen österreichischer und bosnischer Dichter:innen in Wien
Das Frauenforum "Mimosen" lud am 27. und 28. Juni 2024 gemeinsam mit der Föderation für Weltfrieden - Universal Peace Federation Austria und der Frauenföderation für Weltfrieden zu einem bosnischen Kulturevent mit Dichter:innen ein.   weiter...

A Harmonious Confluence: The Meeting of Austrian and Bosnian Poets in Vienna


Perspectives on Afghanistan's Journey for Peace
On June 26th 2024 the Universal Peace Federation in Austria organized a lecture and discussion evening on the topic "Perspectives on Afghanistan's Journey for Peace". Keynote Speaker: Shahmahmood Miakhel, former director of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) in Afghanistan, former governor of Nangarhar and former deputy defense minister of Afghanistan.    weiter...


Antonio Vivaldi - Die vier Jahreszeiten
Die Föderation für Weltfrieden - Universal Peace Federation Austria lud am 21. Juni 2024 zu einem musikalischen Abend ein.   weiter...


Traditionelle und Soziale Medien in Zeiten von Digitalisierung, "Fake News" und künstlicher Intelligenz
Die Föderation für Weltfrieden - Universal Peace Federation Austria lud am 4. Mai 2024 gemeinsam mit der United Nations Correspondents Association Vienna (UNCAV) anlässlich des Internationalen Tags der Pressefreiheit zu einem Frühstückstreffen mit Medienvertretern ein.   weiter...

Video Report


Interreligiöser Dialog - Das Judentum heute
(UPF Graz, 8. April 2024) Hofrat Dr. Heinz Anderwald ist Miglied der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Graz und engagiert sich dafür, die jüdische Kultur zugänglich zu machen.   weiter...


UPF Upper-Austria holds interreligious breakfastmeeting on "Love-Life-Lineage"
The interreligious breakfast was held in in Linz on 23 March, 2024. In his keynote speech Heinz Krcek, a Catholic theologian, addressed the topic of love-life-lineage, quoting from the Bible, the Koran, Buddhist texts and Father Moon. He emphasised the importance of good parental example in childhood development.   weiter...


UN World Interfaith Harmony Week - Building a Peace Narrative at a time of Global Crisis: The Contribution of Religion
On February 2nd 2024 the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), supported by UNODC, UNCAV, the Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations, Youth and Students for Peace and the Women's Federation for World Peace organized a conference in the Vienna International Centre (United Nations) on the theme "Building a Peace Narrative at a time of Global Crisis: The Contribution of Religion" commemorating the World Interfaith Harmony Week, which was attended by 200 guests.   weiter...

Short Video report 2023


Vorweihnachtliche Feier mit Rückblick auf 2023
100 Gäste folgten am 17. Dezember 2023 einer Einladung der "Föderation für Weltfrieden - UPF Austria" zur Vorweihnachtlichen Feier mit Rückblick auf 2023 mit "Ambassadors for Peace" und Freunden der UPF.    weiter...


Tao Kalligrafie - die Kunst der Enstspannung - ein Advent voller Licht und Liebe
Einführungsabend in die Tao Kalligraphie mit Martin Veigl am 7. Dezember 2023 in der Seidengasse 28, 1070 Wien.   weiter...


Armenischer Kulturabend
Am 24. November 2023 gab es einen Armenischen Kulturabend mit Musik, Tanz, Essen und Basar. Man konnte Armeniens vielfältiges Kulturerbe kennenlernen und armenische Köstlichkeiten kosten.   weiter...


Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity, Shared Values - Europe-Brazil dialogue
On November 8th 2023 the Universal Peace Federation supported by the Brazilian embassy in Vienna in cooperation with BRAZGLOBAL, ABRASA, UNCAV, the Coalition of FBOs and the Women’s Federation for World Peace organozed a conference on the theme "Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity, Shared Values - Europe-Brazil dialogue" in the Vienna International Centre (UN-Vienna).   weiter...


2023 Balkan Leadership Conference in Skopje - Western Balkans Integration into the European Union
Skopje, North Macedonia - The latest Balkan Leadership Conference "Western Balkans Integration into the European Union: Perspectives and Challenges" took place in the North Macedonian capital on October 14, 2023. It was organized by UPF in partnership with the Podgorica Club, an organization founded in 2019 by former presidents of Southeast Europe. The current president of North Macedonia and 10 former heads of state and government from the six Western Balkan nations, plus Croatia and Slovakia, attended.   weiter...


Beitrag zu einer globalen Kultur des Friedens - Friedensburg Schlaining, So 10. Sept. 2023
Die Föderation für Weltfrieden - UPF-Burgenland lud am 10. September 2023 zur diesjährigen Friedenskonferenz auf der Burg Schlaining mit dem Titel "Beitrag zu einer globalen Kultur des Friedens" ein.   weiter...

Friedenkonferenz 2022 "Frieden neu Denken" in Schlaining

Friedenkonferenz 2021 "Peaceroad - Connecting the World Through Peace" in Schlaining


Peace Starts with Me - Conference Vienna - Friday, Sept. 1st 2023
On Sept. 1st 2023 the Universal Peace Federation Austria together with Kriya Yoga organized an interreligious Peace Conference in Vienna with the title "Peace Starts with Me"   weiter...

Peace Starts with Me Festival in 2018


TAO Calligraphy - finding peace in writing
On July 15th 2023 Mag. Martin Veigl organised a calligraphy evening titled "TAO Calligraphy - finding peace in writing" in cooperation with UPF. During this event he guided the audience into basics of calligraphy and the deep meaning this writing has and conveys, focused on its power to heal and forgive.   weiter...


Interreligiöses Frühstückstreffen "Relevanz von Kultur und Religion für Frieden"
60 Gäste nahmen am 8. Juli 2023 an einem interreligiösen Frühstückstreffen mit dem Thema "Relevanz von Kultur und Religion für Frieden" teil, zu dem die Föderation für Weltfrieden - UPF Austria gemeinsam mit der Familienföderation eingeladen hatte.    weiter...


Concert for School Projects in Ukraine
Gaflenz, Austria - UPF of Upper Austria organized a concert to raise funds for school projects in Ukraine. The "literature concert" took place on June 24, 2023 in a seminar retreat in Upper Austria state belonging to Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), an affiliated organization.   weiter...

Video about the concert


Memorial events in Mauthausen and St. Georgen/Gusen
An interfaith group of about 20 people met at the camp's granite quarry on April 23, 2023 to pray for the thousands of prisoners, who died at Mauthausen from 1938 to 1945. The prayer was followed by a lecture in the House of Remembrance in the nearby town of St. Georgen/Gusen. Historian Mischa Gabowitsch explained very clearly how interpretations of history, especially in school textbooks, influence young people in how they later judge current conflicts.   weiter...


Peace Road 2023: Austria-Hungary-Slovakia
On June 3rd 2023 the Austrian, Slovak and Hungarian chapters of the Universal Peace Federation, the Women's Federation for World Peace, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace jointly organised a full-day Peace Road program on the tri-border point of these three countries between Deutsch Jahrndorf, Rajka and Cunovo. The event concluded with a picnic at "Aranykarasz" camping in Rajka, Hungary, about 8 km from the tri-border point.    weiter...

Short film about Peace Road 2023


Peace Summit 2023: Contemporary Challenges to Global Order - Toward a World Culture of Peace
Peace Summit 2023 gathered global leaders in Seoul, Korea, from May 2 to 6 to discuss the many crises facing the global village and a pathway to peace. The conference theme called on the more than 700 international attendees from about 70 nations to consider innovative approaches to leadership and action based on the ideals of interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values.   weiter...


Pessach - Ostern - Ramadan
Am 29. April 2023 lud die "Föderation für Weltfrieden - UPF Austria" gemeinsam mit der Frauenföderation und der Familienföderation zu einem interreligiösen Frühstückstreffen "Pessach - Ostern - Ramadan" ein. Nach einem gemeinsamen Frühstück gab es kurze Beiträge von jüdischen, christlichen und muslimischen Vertretern.   weiter...


Sri-Lankischer Neujahrsempfang
Die Sri-Lankische Freundschaftsgesellschaft bat am 15. April 2023 in den Räumlichkeiten der Föderation für Weltfrieden zum traditionellen Neujahrsempfang. Begrüssung durch Edith Hornig, Honorarkonsulin von Sri Lanka. Eröffnung durch den Botschafter von Sri Lanka S.E. Majintha Jayesinghe.   weiter...

Bildbericht über die Veranstaltung


Iftar im Friedenszentrum Seidengasse
80 Personen folgten am 2. April 2023 der Einladung zu einem Iftar im Friedenszentrum Seidengasse organisiert von IAYSP in Kooperation mit Afghan Wulas Kultur&Sportverein und AFIKÖ.   weiter...


Orthopädie und Neurochirurgie im Überblick - Prävention und Anwendung
UPF Austria lud am 24. März 2023 gemeinsam mit dem Kulturverein Abrasa zu einem Infoabend mit dem Thema "Orthopädie und Neurochirurgie im Überblick - Prävention und Anwendung" ein. Es referierten die Fachspezialisten Dr. Ulrich Müller, Orthopädie Donauzentrum und Dr. Carlos Henrique De Araujo Carvalho, Abteilung für Neurochirurgie in Wiener Neustadt.   weiter...


Kultureller Nachmittag - Persisches Frühlingsfest Nouruz
Die Föderation für Weltfrieden - Universal Peace Federation Austria lud am 19. März 2023 zu einem kulturellen Nachmittag zu einem Frühlingskonzert zum "Persischen Frühlingsfest Nouruz" ein, das von 90 Gästen besucht wurde.    weiter...



Prof. Dr. Paul Zulehner - Religions: Hope for a tumbling world?
Speaking at the World Interfaith Harmony Week conference in the Vienna International Centre - UN Vienna on February 3rd 2023. He concluded: "Religions foment the hope that the current challenges that are making the world tremble are not the death throes of earth and humanity, but the birth pangs of a world where nations live in justice and peace in harmony with nature."   weiter...


World Interfaith Harmony Week - Why Religions and Cultures in Dialogue matter for achieving the UN SDGs
Supported by UNODC, the Universal Peace Federation, UNCAV, the Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations, Youth and Students for Peace and the Women's Federation for World Peace organized a conference celebrating the World Interfaith Harmony Week in the Vienna International Centre - UN Vienna on February 3rd 2023.   weiter...

Short Video report


Weihnachtliche Feier mit Rückblick auf 2022
Die Föderation für Weltfrieden - UPF Austria lud am 20. Dezember 2022 zur Weihnachtsfeier mit "Ambassadors for Peace" und Freunden ein. Mag. Elisabeth Cook sprach über die ursprüngliche Bedeutung von Weihnachten. Peter Haider gab einen Bericht über Aktivitäten im Jahr 2022. Johann Rechberger sprach über die Gründung und Veranstaltungen von UPF Burgenland. Ein Ensemble des Vienna Peace Choir sang ein Medley von Weihnachtsliedern.    weiter...


Musikalische Matinee für Frieden in der Ukraine
Am Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2022 lud die Föderation für Weltfrieden - UPF Austria ein: Feierstunde mit Botschaften für Frieden in der Vorweihnachtszeit und Musikalisches Programm mit den "Perlen aus Odessa".   weiter...

Konzert "Pearls of Odessa" 1. Teil

Konzert "Pearls of Odessa" 2. Teil


Launch of Hazara Encyclopaedia
On 26th November 2022, UPF Austria in cooperation with World Hazara Council Austria organized a Book Launch of the Hazara Encyclopaedia and a panel discussion on the "Stop Hazara Genocide" campaign.   weiter...


Western Balkan Countries and EU Relations – Challenges and Perspectives
On November 11, 2022 co-hosted by the Podgorica Club and UPF a conference on the topic "Western Balkan Countries and EU Relations – Challenges and Perspectives" was organized at the Diplomatische Akademie Wien - Vienna School of International Studies.   weiter...


South Asia and New Security Challenges
On October 24th 2022 UPF Austria organized a Webinar on "South Asia and New Security Challenges".   weiter...

Video Report


Konferenz: "Frieden Neu Denken" - Friedensburg Schlaining
Am 11. September 2022 folgten 100 Interessierte einer Einladung der Föderation für Weltfrieden - UPF Burgenland zu einer Friedenskonferenz auf der Burg Schlaining mit dem Thema "Frieden neu Denken".    weiter...

Short Video Report


Summit Addresses Korean Reconciliation, Religious Freedom and New Peace Alliances in Africa and the World
More than 1,000 world leaders from the 157 nations with diplomatic relations with either North or South Korea attended the August 11-15, 2022, conference, either in person at the Lotte Hotel World or virtually, to discuss "Toward Peace on the Korean Peninsula: Toward a World Culture of Peace."   weiter...


Albanians' Peace Council established in Austria
On July 7, 2022 the Albanian Peace Council in Austria was established in Vienna. Over 70 people filled the conference room, including prominent and well established Albanians from all over Austria, local Ambassadors for Peace and interested youth.    weiter...

Short Video Report


Representatives of Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany promote the Peace Road
Second international Peace Road event at the border triangle. Following the popularity of last year's Peace Road trek to the same location, the event on June 25, 2022, had more participants, more music, more flags, more songs, more speakers: more VIPs ... and more weather. On their way to the top of the 1,330-meter Three Country Corner, the participants experienced rain and thick fog when they set off.   weiter...


Balkan Leaders Focus on Region’s Peace and Security
Pristina, Kosovo - The prime minister of Kosovo was the keynote speaker at a Balkans Leadership Conference held under the auspices of the Government of Kosovo. The conference, titled "Peace, Security and Development in the Western Balkans" was held on June 11, 2022, in Pristina's Swiss Diamond Hotel.   weiter...


UN - International Day of Families
On May 14, 2022 UPF-Austria in cooperation with the Family Federation for World Peace and the Women's Federation organized a breakfast meeting to commemorate the International Day of Families, which was attended by more than 50 guests.   weiter...


On Climate Change, Migration and the Rule of Law: Dialogue in Hell between Montesquieu and Machiavelli
(Friday, 20. May 2022 at 9:00-9:50, Vienna time) United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Side event organized by UPF and partnering organizations.   weiter...

Video Link


Kulturabend: POEMA - Gesang und Flöte
Die Föderation für Weltfrieden – Universal Peace Federation Austria lud am 29. April 2022 zu einem kulturellen Abend ein. "POEMA – Gesang und Flöte" mit James Strauss, Flöte und Ines Simoes, Gesang.   weiter...


Session 1: Post-Election South Korea: Implications for the Wider Region
International Leadership Conference (Online Webinar 6.-7. April 2022): Contemporary Challenges to the World Order - The Search for Solutions   weiter...

Session 2: How can the United Nations be Re-empowered to Fulfill its Mission and Prevent Future Threats to World Peace?

Session 3: Toward an Interconnected World - The Peace Road Initiative


Kultureller Nachmittag - Persisches Frühlingsfest Nouruz
UPF Austria lud am 20. März 2022 zu einem kulturellen Nachmittag zum Frühlingsbeginn ein. Ein Frühlingskonzert wurde von Bashir Mirzo, Nariman Hodjaty und Rafat Alshimali sowie der Tänzerin Valentina Ferracioli gestaltet. Dr. Fazel Rahman, Marinela Stefanc und Nariman Hodjaty erzählten Geschichten zu den Traditionen rund um das Nouruzfest.   weiter...


Ukraine Crisis: Appeal for Peace and Reconciliation
The events currently unfolding in Ukraine are deeply troubling. UPF joins with others around the world in calling for an end to violence, the withdrawal of military troops and a renewed effort to search for a diplomatic solution.   weiter...

Interfaith Prayers for Peace - Info

Interfaith Prayers for Peace - Participation


International Peace Conference - World Summit 2022
The World Summit 2022 for Peace on the Korean Peninsula was held in Seoul, Korea, from February 11 to 13. Some 160 nations were represented, including 157 nations with diplomatic ties to one or both of the Koreas.    weiter...

Führende Politiker rufen zum Frieden auf der koreanischen Halbinsel auf

Summit video report


World Interfaith Harmony Week - Interfaith Conference 2022
Die Universal Peace Federation lud am 10. Februar 2022 gemeinsam mit der Familienföderation und der Frauenföderation für Weltfrieden sowie Youth and Students for Peace zu einem interreligiösen Treffen ein, um die World Interfaith Harmony Week 2022 zu feiern.   weiter...

Video Link


Gesegnete Weihnachtsfeiertage! Jahresrückblick der UPF Austria auf 2021
Am 22. Dezember ließ UPF Austria Präsident Peter Haider in einem Online Treffen die Veranstaltungen des Jahres 2021 nochmals vorbeiziehen. Von den jeweiligen Verantwortungsträgern wurde über die erschiedene Ereignisse und Projekte im Detail berichtet.   weiter...


Ceremony of the signing of the memorandum of cooperation between UPF and the Podgorica Club

Grand Opening of the Peace Embassy Tirana - Albania
On November 21, 2021 the UPF Balkan Peace Embassy was opened. Congratulatory remarks were given by H.E. Alfred Moisiu, former President of Albania, Mr. Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana, Dr. Eva Cipi, Chairwoman of UPF Albania and others.   weiter...

Speech given by Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana


Kammermusik mit dem International Youth Ensemble
Die Föderation für Weltfrieden – Universal Peace Federation Austria lud am 24. Oktober 2021 zu einem kulturellen Nachmittag "Kammermusik mit dem International Youth Ensemble" ein. Mit James Strauss - ein international renommierter Flötist, Dmitriy Dikun - Violine 1, Dulce Alvarez - Violine 2, Roza Kadyrova - Viola, Salar Ghaffarbejouei - Cello und Cati Sara Lopez - Klarinette.   weiter...


Perspektiven von UPF in Europa und International
Anlässlich des Besuchs von Dr. Dieter Schmidt, dem Vorsitzenden der UPF in Zentraleuropa, lud UPF Austria am 26. September 2021 zu einem Nachmittagstreffen für Friedensbotschafter und Freunde der Föderation ein. In seinem Vortrag sprach Dr. Schmidt den Schwerpunkt der Aktivitäten von UPF International im Jahr 2021 an, nämlich die Wiedervereinigung der koreanischen Halbinsel.    weiter...


International Day of Peace Observed in Korea
Gapyeong, Korea - On the occasion of the UN International Day of Peace 2021, UPF-Korea held a wreath-laying ceremony on September 17, at the Korean War Memorial of the U.S. Army located about 30 miles from Seoul. The people of South Korea hold the UN and International Day of Peace in high esteem, and they have a heart of gratitude toward the UN Peacekeeping forces who intervened on their behalf in 1950 at the start of the Korean War.   weiter...


Think Tank 2022 for Peace on the Korean Peninsula
Think Tank 2022 is a virtual think tank that is actively gathering the wisdom and expertise of people around the world who want to see peace on the Korean Peninsula. UPF, which unveiled Think Tank 2022 in May 2021 as one of its main projects, is mobilizing its worldwide network in this effort, reaching leaders in all sectors of society.    weiter...


World Leaders renew Call for Peace on the Korean Peninsula
(September 12th, Seoul, Korea) - The Rally of Hope, broadcasted live from South Korea and attended by millions of online participants from around the world, featured the Universal Peace Federation's new initiative, Think Tank 2022, which seeks to build a global strategy for a major breakthrough for peace by the end of 2022.   weiter...

7th Rally of Hope - Video summary


Roundtable Conference with Parliamentary Delegation from Mali
On September 8th 2021 a meeting with a parliamentary delegation from Mali led by H.E. Assarid Ag Imbarcaouane, 1st vice-president of the Council for National Transition was organized by the WFWP in cooperation with UPF.    weiter...


Peace Road Conference at the Schlaining Peace Castle
Under the motto "Building Bridges - Overcoming Division", on August 29th 2021 more than 50 guests and prominent personalities came together for a peace conference at the Castle Hall of the Peace Castle Schlaining, near the Austrian-Hungarian border.   weiter...

Short Video about the Conference


The Role of Afghan Diaspora in the Peace Process - Vienna Movement for Peace in Afghanistan
On July 15, 2021 a round table discussion was organized by the Universal Peace Federation of Austria in the city of Vienna. The round table discussion was attended by several Afghan Diaspora representatives, Mr. Rahemee Pajwak, Counsellor from the Afghanistan Embassy in Vienna, Austria based jurnalists, the chairwoman of KultEurasia and some of the core personnel of UPF in Vienna.    weiter...


Peaceful Korean Reunification: Prospects for Economic Development and Peace - Worldviews and International Relations
(August 19-21, 2021) Virtual International Leadership Conference organized by UPF Europe & Middle East. The Korean War began in 1950, 70 years ago and concluded not with a peace treaty but with an armistice, leaving the once unified Korean peninsula divided, despite being populated by a people with a common history, culture and language. The fate of the peninsula has been controlled not only by the people themselves, but by the wider geopolitical environment.   weiter...

Best Practices in Track II Diplomacy

Toward Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula: Peace and Security


Peace Road Participants converge at Crossroads of Austria, Germany and Czech Republic
Central Europe, June 20, 2021 - Peace Road participants from Austria, Czech Republic, and Germany hiked to the top of a hill where their nations' borders converge. To commemorate the United Nations' Day of Refugees. Germans, Austrians and Czechs joined in a common meeting at the place in the Bohemian Forest, where the nations have a common border. The meeting point, on top of the 1,321-meter hill, was markeby a two-meter-high three-sided border stone. Due to the cooperation of the three UPF chapters, this Peace Road became a deep experience for almost 100 participants. The oldest participant was 80 years old, and the youngest was 2 years old.   weiter...


Peace Road Marathon in Russia promotes Healthy Lifestyle for Youth
Moscow, Russia - The supermarathon "Children against Drugs - I Choose Sport!" concluded after 1,150 kilometers. From June 12 to 26, 2021, a total of thirty-five children and fifteen adults ran a relay race through the historic cities of Russia's Golden Ring. In addition, about 500 people joined in as the supermarathon passed through their town or city. The organizer of the project was Ambassador for Peace Sergei Suprunyuk, the chairman of the organizing committee Supermarathon Runners for a Healthy Lifestyle. The Universal Peace Federation has been a co-organizer for many years, along with the General Directorate for Drug Control of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.   weiter...


The Crisis in the Holy Land: A Call for Dialogue, Prayer and an End to the Violence
As we observe the recent eruption of conflict and violence in the Holy Land, our hearts are deeply saddened. The Universal Peace Federation, through its Middle East Peace Initiative, inaugurated in 2003, has worked continuously to promote dialogue and cooperation among stakeholders in the Holy Land   weiter...

Middle-East Peace Programs


International Day of Families
UPF Europe organized an Online-Conference on May 21st, 2021 commemorating the International Day of Families. Founded by the UN in 1994 this day is observed every May 15th to honor the importance of families. The the 2021 United Nations observance focuses on the impacts of new technologies on the well-being of families.   weiter...


THINK TANK 2022 zur Wiedervereinigung der koreanischen Halbinsel während der virtuellen 6. Rally der Hoffnung gegründet

Rally of Hope - Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula and the Launch of THINK TANK 2022
This ground-breaking event series has caught the attention of millions of people worldwide with its focus on world peace and the reunification of the Korean Peninsula. On May 9th 2021 world leaders and influencers joined forces for the launch of "Think Tank 2022", a global multi-sector network of more than 2,000 experts from a wide range of fields - politics, business, academia, faith, media, arts and culture.   weiter...

Rally of Hope event series


Global Leaders Support a Unified Korea and Inauguration of Think Tank 2022
UPF held its second virtual International Leadership Conference from April 28 to May 1, 2021. ILC2021 had six distinct segments, organized by UPF's regional offices in the Americas, Africa, the Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East, Japan and Korea. The central theme of ILC2021 was "Toward Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values." Altogether, the online events featured about 60 sessions globally, with more than 400 leading Korea experts from around the world and viewership in the hundreds of thousands from more than 150 nations.   weiter...


The Role of Parliamentarians in contributing to Peace on the Korean Peninsula
Online Webinar on Thursday April 29th 2021. "Parliamentarians for Peace forums" are emerging as key to action-oriented peace initiatives.   weiter...

Parliamentarians for Peace


Northeast Asia Peace Initiative for the Reunification of the Korean Peninsula
People with a common history, culture, and language were divided by the Cold War struggle between superpowers. UPF conferences and forums bring together leading diplomats and scholars to offer insights into prospects for improved relations among the countries of the region.    weiter...


Noruz, Earth Day, Ostern - Neubeginn & Auferstehung
Die "Föderation für Weltfrieden" lud am 8. April 2021 im Rahmen einer Online-Konferenz gemeinsam mit der Familienföderation für Weltfrieden zu einer Reflexion über die in den letzten Wochen begangenen Feiertage und Ihre Anwendung auf unsere schwierigen Umstände in dieser von einer Pandemie geprägten Zeit ein.   weiter...


Faith, Ethics & Education
On 31 March 2021, the Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations together with International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace, Universal Peace Federation International, and LIOS-SOIL Organization, Vienna, in partnership with several universities in Pakistan, South Africa and Austria, held a virtual conference on Faith, Ethics and Education.   weiter...


Lessons learned from Dismantling the Iron Curtain - How Europe can contribute to Korean Unification
Online webinar organized by the Universal Peace Federation in Europe and Middle East and the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace on February 26th 2021. Moderator: Dr. Werner Fasslabend, President of AIES, former Minister of Defense, Austria. Speakers: Hon. Mag. Lukas Mandl, Head of the Delegation, EU Parliament Relations to the Korean Peninsula and Brian Myers, Author of "The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why it Matters", Korea   weiter...


Current and Former Heads of State focus on Global Issues at UPF's 5th Rally of Hope
Millions of viewers from 150 countries joined the live online broadcast of the 5th Rally of Hope on Saturday, February 27, 2021. The virtual event featured world-class entertainment and globally renowned leaders including Cape Verde President Jorge Carlos Fonseca, Guyana Prime Minister Mark Phillips, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence (2017-2021), United Nations World Food Programme Executive Director David Beasley, City of Refuge Church Bishop Noel Jones, South Africa President F.W. de Klerk (1989-1994) and Oxford Vaccine co-developer Dr. Sarah Gilbert. UPF co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon shared an inspiring message of hope in her Founder's Address, as speakers focused on key global inssues under the theme "Building Partnerships for Peace Based on Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity, and Universal Values."   weiter...

Film report about UPF's 5th Rally of Hope


World Leaders Discuss Abraham Accords
Jerusalem, Israel - The first of a series of UPF webinars on the Abraham Accords presented a distinguished panel of world leaders. The Rt. Honorable Stephen Harper, prime minister of Canada (2006-2015), H.E. Ehud Barak, prime minister of Israel (1999-2001), H.E. Mirek Topolanek, prime minister of the Czech Republic (2006-2009), and Hon. Newt Gingrich, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1995-1999) each gave a presentation and answered questions from the online audience.   weiter...


World Interfaith Harmony Week - Vienna & Geneva
UPF Austria, World Interfaith Harmony Week Online-Webinar February 5nd 2021 - Interfaith Cooperation as a basis for Social Cohesion - How can the Korean Cultural and Religious Heritage contribute to a Rapprochement and Unification on the divided Peninsula?   weiter...

Short film about the World Interfaith Harmony conference In UN Vienna in 2020


World Interfaith Harmony Week - Virtual Interfaith Conference 2021
UPF International, Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations, Lios-Soil Organization, Online-Webinar February 2nd 2021 - Interfaith Cooperation for Securing Peace in the 21st Century - Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Social Support and Combating Crimes   weiter...



Rally of Hope Encourages Believers to Unite for Peace
UPF International together with the World Christian Leadership Conference, co-sponsored the fourth online Rally of Hope with featured speakers who addressed an interfaith audience of hundreds of thousands around the world. The rally was the concluding event in the two-day WCLC Convocation of December 4 and 5, with which WCLC celebrated the first anniversary of its founding.   weiter...


Rückblick auf die Aktivitäten der UPF Austria im Jahr 2020
Am 21. Dezember 2020 veranstaltete UPF Austria online eine weihnachtliche Feier. Wir haben zurückgeblickt und uns in einer vorweihnachtlicher Atmosphäre getroffen, haben Geschichten gehört und Visionen geteil, in Dankbarkeit haben wir Erinnerungen neu aufleben lassen und uns auf das neue Jahr vorbereitet. Musikalische Beiträge haben die Teilnehmer auf Weihnachten eingestimmt.   weiter...

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Welcome to the UPF Interfaith Harmony Week International Day of Peace Middle East Peace Initiative International Day of Families Africa Day

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Botschaft des Friedens

Gibt es einen Traum, der allen Menschen unabhängig von Geschlecht, Alter, Zeit oder Ort gemeinsam ist? Die Geschichte hindurch sehnten sich die Menschen nach der Verwirklichung einer idealen Welt des Friedens. Friedensbewegungen erreichten unweigerlich ihre Grenzen und scheiterten letztlich, weil sie von unvollkommenen Menschen getragen waren.
... weiter ...


The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) was founded in the hope of building a world in which peoples, cultures, races, religions, and nationalities could live together in harmony, mutual respect, cooperation, and universal prosperity.

A unique feature of UPF's vision is the inclusion of the world's religious leaders, who bear the wisdom of their respective traditions, in the pursuit of peace.


Interfaith Peacebuilding
Peace Education
Peace and Security
Marriage and Family
United Nations Relations
Religious Youth Service
Bering Strait Project


Ambassador for Peace
Renewing the UN
Middle East Peace Initiative
MEPI September 2004 (D)
United Nations