Jordan Declaration - March 31, 2005
Middle East; Jordan; March 31,
Ambassadors for Peace from throughout the Middle East, across America and
around the world, we are gathered in the peace-loving city of Amman, capital
of a free and sovereign state. We gather in Jordan to offer our heartfelt
gratitude, praise and respect for King Abdullah II, the royal family and the
central and most effective role he and the Hashemite Kingdom are playing to
secure peace in the Middle East.However, despite the dramatic and hopeful
developments of recent weeks, the peace and sovereignty that surround us
an elusive goal still unfulfilled for our brothers and sisters beyond the
Jordan River, in the Holy Land. As the cause of peace in the land of God’s
promise inches painfully forward, there are powers of oppression that seek
to derail it; narrow minds of fear and control that wish to delay it; hearts
of hatred that seek to destroy it. We affirm that these dark forces shall
never again rule the day.
As Muslims, Christians and Jews who long for the peace, we call upon all the
children of Abraham to leave the long and painful night of sorrow and
suffering behind, and turn once and for all toward a bright future of
promise together. We Ambassadors for Peace, guided by the vision and
affirming the global work for peace of Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon,
assemble in the historic city of Amman, Jordan, on this thirty-first day of
March, 2005, and declare with one heart and one voice:
- The
three Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are one family,
descended from our common father Abraham. We share a common heritage of
faith, and common ideals of humility before Almighty God, and
righteousness toward all of His children, and preserving the sanctity of
our families.
- These
shared values are the key to a peaceful and prosperous future, which
none of us can achieve alone until it is guaranteed for all. Our
commitment to peace, justice, sovereignty and freedom for ALL of the
children of Abraham will do more to achieve lasting peace than walls,
weapons or warfare ever can.
- The
Holy Land is so named because it has been Blessed by God. It is the
fruit of His work, and each of its holy sites, though understood
differently by each of the Abrahamic faiths, are the result of His
efforts to sanctify a people. Therefore, this land and these shrines
should be honored and preserved, in His name, for all the children of
Abraham and all who revere Him.
- As
believers of diverse faith traditions, we voice together our unchanging
commitment to honor and protect the holy shrines of all faiths. We
specifically acknowledge the importance of the Holy Sites in Jerusalem -
the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Western Wall, and in particular at
this time Al Aqsa Mosque - as sacred places that must be respected,
accessible and suitably maintained for all believers.
- Our
devotion is not to structures of stone made by the hands of men, but to
the traditions, the faith, and the values they enshrine, and the holy
teachers whom they honor. It is these great faiths: Judaism,
Christianity and Islam that, when practiced as taught, are the truest
instruments of peace and our greatest hope for the future. As
ambassadors of peace from these faiths we join together with one heart
to realize enduring peace in the Holy Land, the Middle East and all the
world. Based on the Holy Scriptures of the Koran, the Bible and the
Torah we find our common foundation of faith in God's Holy Word. On this
foundation true believers can and will stand as one family under the one
God (Allah) of all to bring the Kingdom of Peace.
On this day of March 31st, 2005, in Amman, Jordan,
united in love, we Jews, Christians and Muslims pledge to stand as one and
defend the faith of all. As our father Abraham offered even his son in
complete trust in God, we too are ready to offer the blessings you have
given to us, this land and all that we hold holy, for the sake of all whom
you love. With the guidance of God and the Blessing of True Parents, we
pledge our lives, our honor, and our continuing devotion to realize one Holy
Land for all the children of Abraham, and from there to build a world of
justice, peace, freedom and happiness for all the children of God.