Die Gründungsversammlung des
Interreligiösen und Internationalen Friedensrates
14. Oktober 2003
Zenmeditation mit Rev. Kosen Nishiyama
Bericht von Rev. Kosen Nishiyama und dem Theologen Heinz Krcek

Zur Einstimmung in den Abend wurde wir in die Zen-Meditation eingeführt. Zen ist vor allem anderen die Praxis des Zazen – nur Sitzen, hier und jetzt, ganz wach, konzentriert auf Körperhaltung und Atmung. Zazen ist die Rückkehr zum ursprünglichen Zustand von Körper und Geist. Es ist die Haltung von Buddha, durch die er wahre Freiheit und höchste Weisheit erlangte.
Kosen Nishiyama Roshi ist Zenmeister, Lehrer und Priester, sowie Abt (31. Patriarch) des Daimanji-Tempels, einem großen Tempel in der nord-japanischen Metropole Sendai mit ca. 450 aktiven Mitgliedern. Er ist gleichzeitig Professor für Buddhologie und Englisch an der Tohoku Fukushi Universität. Nishiyama Roshi wurde 1939 in Sendai geboren. Seine Unterweisung im Zen erhielt er im Hauptkloster der japanischen Sotoschule des Zen, dem Sojiji-Tempel in Yokohama. 1975 erschien seine Übersetzung von Dogen Zenjis Shobogenzo im Englischen. Weiterhin übersetzte Nishiyama Roshi das Denkoroku von Keizan Jokin ins Englische (erschienen 1994). Die deutschen Übersetzungen von Teilen des Shobogenzo im Theseus und im Angkorverlag basieren auf diesen Übersetzungen.
Rev. Kosen Nishiyama als Repräsentant Japans und der Theologe Heinz Krcek für Österreich berichteten von der Gründungsversammlung des Interreligiösen Friedensrates am 3. Oktober 2003 im Hotel „New Yorker“, die zeitgleich mit der 58. Generalversammlung der UNO stattgefunden hat.

Von oben links: Der Föw-Vorsitzende Peter Haider begrüßt die Gäste, Rev Koshen Nishiyama, Heinz Krcek, Mag. Herbert Wolf und dem Zen-Meister
Moriyama, Rev. Nishiyama trifft seinen Freund Reuben Silverbird, Heinz Krcek und Pr. Sahakyan, die japanischen Gäste, ein Blick in den Zuhörerraum.
Renewing the United Nations to Build Lasting Peace
Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon, Founder,
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace
Distinguished leaders, honored guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Today, in this beautiful and solemn building where the United Nations General Assembly meets, I greet you with deep gratitude for the opportunity to express my passionate concerns and views about the future direction of the world and the United Nations
The sole purpose of all my undertakings in many areas over the past forty years has been the realization of a peaceful world that is the desire of God and humanity. This longing for a peaceful world has also been the core reason I have dedicated myself to the promotion of interreligious harmony and cooperation
In the twentieth century, humanity has experienced many severe conflicts and unspeakable acts of violence, especially through the horrors of the two world wars, and through the seventy years of the Cold War and communism. When the Cold War ended, the world had a brief moment of celebration, as if peace had arrived. But, then, very soon humanity realized that the end of the Cold War did not automatically mean the advent of an age of peace. Even at this moment, fierce wars and brutal massacres are going on in numerous places around the globe
Conflicts arise for many reasons. But one of primary factors contributing to their emergence is the deep-rooted disharmony that exists among the world’s religions. Therefore, when we witness the many global tragedies occurring around us, we should recognize how critically important it is that the religions come together, dialogue with one another, and learn to embrace one another
In the modern age, in most nations, religious ideals have come to hold a place wholly separate from the centers of secular political power, and most people have come to accept this reality as the way things ought to be. I believe, however, that it is time that international organizations whose purpose is to support the ideal of world peace reconsider their relationship with the great religious traditions of the world
Of course, the conscientious efforts to establish peace, undertaken by these national representatives at the United Nations, often meet stubborn resistance. The accomplishments and achievements attained through the United Nations have been significant. However, there is much room for improvement. I believe there is an urgent need today, within the United Nations and through its many activities, to encourage mutual respect and increased cooperation between the world’s political and religious leaders
The original ideal for human beings is that we live with our mind and body united in resonance with God’s true love. It is because human beings resemble God as His sons and daughters that the mind and body of each individual can truly unite without struggling against each other. Within God there is no disharmony between internal and external characteristics. This is so because the absolute God has no contradiction or conflict within Himself
The human ideal to achieve oneness of mind and body can be realized only when people completely possess God’s true love. The biblical verse, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God," illustrates this point. Peacemakers are persons whose mind and body are in unity centering on the true love of God
An Interreligious Council at the United Nations
One of the reasons I founded the Interreligious and International Federation of World Peace was to help create an interreligious assembly to serve as a senate or council within the United Nations. To implement this plan, I propose that each nation, in addition to its current ambassador, send a religious ambassador to the United Nations to serve as a member of the religious assembly, or U.N. senate
The mission of the representatives to this U.N. senate would require that they have a genuinely ecumenical or interreligious consciousness and that they have the training and ability to teach a universal, trans-national ideal of peace. The nature of their purpose and mission would prohibit their promoting the narrow interests of a particular country. Rather, they would carry out their duties for the ideal of peace in the world and for the sake of all humanity in accordance with God’s Will
The interreligious ambassador appointed as a member of the United Nations senate or council should have a global consciousness and take responsibility to represent the United Nations’ global vision and agenda. In this sense, these persons could be thought of as global ambassadors from the United Nations. Wherever they go in the world, these ambassadors would promote movements dedicated to the realization of peace and social welfare. Moreover, in all nations, they would serve as conscientious guardians of lofty ideals such as justice, security, and peace
This will provide hope to the citizens of the world, and especially the youth. People will then have the opportunity to see with their own eyes the emergence of young people around the world seeking true love and lasting peace. Those selected as ecumenical and transnational ambassadors will also be able to help guide and supervise various U.N. sponsored projects in health, education, welfare, and other fields
I believe solutions to world problems can come about if we establish the proposed council composed of religious leaders, in cooperation with the political leaders and diplomats of the current United Nations. The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace will promote this ideal, for religion can offer great service in providing guidance in matters concerning the Absolute Being, the world of transcendence, our eternal life and the spirit world. For this purpose, the IIFWP will make devoted and sacrificial efforts to attain the goal of world peace. It will strive to establish the Kingdom of Heaven of eternal love and harmony, and the fatherland of God, where the United Nations’ efforts for peace are honored, and where all humanity forms one universal family as brothers and sisters under God, the Parent.
I believe that the world leaders and officers of the United Nations, who possess knowledge, experience and wisdom, can offer many recommendations for implementing the proposals I’ve presented to you today. If we work together and make continuous efforts, peace and happiness will surely be realized on Earth.